Street Sweeping

Street Sweeping: friend or foe?

So in Los Angeles and it’s surrounding areas they have weekly street sweeping. This is something I don’t experience in Arizona. Every week each street has a designated time and day to be cleaned. This means if you parked in that area of the street, you better move your car or face a ticket. Since I don’t get the privilege of parking in the garage as a sub-letter, I am forced to find other accommodations. I decided I would just get up ad head to the theatre this morning, but first taking a random drive through Beverly Hills and West Hollywood. When I arrived with my americano in hand, with no one else around, I figured I would jam out to some new tunes and relax a bit. Then I decided chair spinning would be delightful. Then I decided recording it would be even better. Yes, I am a huge dork. But hey, I amused myself, which is good since I’ve had a crappy week. So this, I present to you, is my FIRST Youtube video. And attempt at editing using iMovie. So enjoy.